UA-57959221-1 Monmon | emi-katsuta-work
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「ぼくここだよ」 と 「モンモン」について



























About "I'm here" and “Monmon”



“I wanted to be seen to be a good boy, so I had dressed in colourful things.

But I want to find the true me, so I said "I'm here”.

The colorful things that I am dressed in came out of my body one after another and became “Monmon”.

Then tears came and I became pure white”.


-“I’m here" commentary-



He wants to be seen to be a good child, and this desire to be seen to be good is the concept of ‘Monmon’

Originally “Monmon” was part of the work  "I'm Here " that was inspired from a child abuse  case that occurred in Saitama.

A wood carving of a boy that wants to be seen as a good child in the eyes of his mother was covered in colours to show that feeling and to attract attention.

He wanted to be seen as a good boy, but he also wanted for his Mother to look and find the real person inside not wearing the decoration of colours that showed the desire to be seen to be good, so these feelings was pushed out from him and surrounded him which was expressed by the Monmon around him.

His body then became pure white and tears came as he could show his true feelings.

Thus “Monmon” wants to attract the attention of people and see their affection.

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